Sunday, September 9, 2018

On Concordia University Scholar, Gad Saad, Hammering Serena Williams for Her Petulant and Boorish Behavior During Yesterday's U.S. Open Tennis Finals and Immediately Getting Slammed for it by a Cadre of Low IQ SJWs Who Apparently Found it Sexist and Racist

Yeah, I guess that being a short and stocky Lebanese Jew who had to flee the Middle-East as a child simply isn't high enough on the oppression pecking-order to criticize a successful black woman who's worth close to $200,000,000, is married to another multi-millionaire, and who has a rabid and adoring fan-base. Not in the current climate anyway (where the softer bigotry of low expectations continues to dominate and people like Gad need to keep their yappers shut).

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