Friday, July 13, 2018

On the Fact that When I First Read Those Disgusting and Traitorous Text Messages Between Deep-State Miscreants, Strzok and Paige, My Initial Reading Was that There Couldn't Possibly Be a Way for the Corporate, Anti-Trump Media and the Democrats In Congress to Spin this In a Favorable Light...……...but Then I Went to Douche-Bag Maddow's Facebook Page and Listened to the Hearings Where One of the Brain-Dead Democrats Said that Mr. Strzok Was Deserving of a Purple Heart (a Purple Heart!!) AND IT ALL CAME BACK YET AGAIN!!!!!

  Just when you think that there aren't any more sharks for the hard-left to jump over, sure enough out comes ole Fonzi Maddow with yet another death-defying feat. It never fails. EVER!

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