Friday, July 13, 2018

On the Fact that On November 11, 1999, Queen Elizabeth Addressed the 100 Year Anniversary of the Second Boer War Simply by Saying that She Regretted the Numerous Deaths On Both Sides

Oh, how mighty white of the bitch, the fact she would draw some nonexistent moral parity......just so that the British could save some face. The truth of the matter of course is that England didn't give a rat's ass about that land until they found those mother-loads and then proceeded to wage one of the cruelest, most barbarous wars in modern history (replete with the torching of some 60,000 homesteads and the first modern concentration camps where nearly 30,000 people starved to death). Not that we should ever expect the truth (never mind some humility) from British royalty, mind you, but, yeah, this one really made my blood boil.

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