Monday, October 19, 2015

On the Fact that People (on Both Sides of the Aisle) Used to Disparage Cindy Sheehan for Being too Anti-War

I'm Cindy Sheehan, folks. Please, have at me.


  1. No Will, you are dead wrong on this one. Sheehan injected herself into the political discussion using her son as a lever. She became a pawn for the anti-war folks.....all over her dead son. I had no respect for her, perhaps at the beginning her story was heartfelt, but she allowed herself to become a cartoon.

  2. I can't vouch for her as a person but I agree with her that the vast majority of wars that this country has fought were moronic and unnecessary.


  3. Well then Will.....what wars would you deem necessary?

  4. IMO, the mother of a dead soldier can either be proud that her son died on the battlefield defending his country...or furious that his life was wasted in a nebulous cause that no one (except Darth Cheney) understood. I'm easy.

  5. The Revolutionary War, the campaign against the Barbary Pirates, and the blowing up of those terrorist training camps in Afghanistan - I support those actions. The War of 1812 was just in that the English were stealing our ships and impressing our sailors but it probably wasn't wise.......And BB makes a sold point on Cheney.


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