Sunday, June 14, 2015

Stop "Helping" Already

According Thomas Sowell's "Affirmative Action Around the World" (a masterpiece according to Yale University's Donald Kagan and I agree), the average net worth of the black businesses who benefited from set-asides in the 1980s was actually HIGHER than the average net worth of the average white family - proving YET AGAIN that it is generally the more affluent black families that benefits from preferential policies and not the poor ones. Hello!!!!


  1. Again, racism and corporate welfare, hand in hand.

    Some hate the idea of a level playing field, and want it tilted as much as possible. Perhaps due to a John Myste -type belief that black people simply are "less capable" than whites.

    Yes, I bring his name up as a textbook example of how racism is strong in supposedly enlightened modern people who have nothing to do with the KKK/Black Panthers...

  2. John F. Kennedy and even Hubert Humphrey agreed with you. 'Nuff said?

  3. Obviously, unlike Myste, the modern NAACP and others, they didn't believe that black people were inferior, less capable beings who were incapable of competing on a level playing field.

    And I have been called a racist on these blogs for opposing such a view of African-Americans.

  4. Well, then they're going to have to call JFK, Hubert Humphrey, Frederick Douglass, and Booker T. Washington racist as well and I dare them to.


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