Sunday, June 14, 2015

On the Concept of Profligate Deficit Government Spending Leading to Overall Societal Prosperity - Quick Addendum

And, no, I'm not proclaiming here that INTELLIGENT government spending can't be beneficial to the economy; INTELLIGENT infrastructure spending (in which you don't overpay and in which the projects are necessary), INTELLIGENT education spending (i.e., that which goes to the families for school choice and not to the teacher's unions, bureaucrats, etc.), etc., in that it is THIS type of spending which can make the country more competitive (i.e., a place where businesses might want to come). I just wanted to be clear on this and underscore that my beef is with the general Keynesian construct of priming the pump, the claim that this type of spending has a multiplier effect (it obviously doesn't and the private sector during WW2 is proof of that), etc..  


  1. Of course it IS intelligent to hire competent teachers and pay them well. Very well.

  2. Heard that meme before. Bogus cause good teachers work a lot of hours. Ask me how I know if you're interested.

    I've always though school should be 12 months.

  3. It isn't intelligent to pay bad, incompetent teachers well, though.

    The unions strongly disagree.

    1. It is NOT intelligent to NOT discipline ineffective teachers and ultimately fire them if they don't become effective.


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