Monday, June 29, 2015

On the "Legacy of Slavery" Being Blamed for the High Out of Wedlock Birth-Rate in the Black Community

Well, it evidently must leap-frog some generations (the out of wedlock birth-rate in the black community being under 20% as recently as 1940). Ditto, the black incarceration rate, the black school dropout rate, etc........................................................................................................P.S. According to economist, Walter Williams, 85% of the black kids in Harlem in 1925 lived in two parent families and the crime-rate was a fraction of what it is today - THIS, despite the fact that there was far more poverty and far more discrimination coming from white folks....Hard to explain this one away, try though they will.

1 comment:

  1. It's probably a form of racism, an attempt to blame whites for actions they had nothing to do with. Not living whites, or dead ones.


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