Sunday, June 28, 2015

On the Fact that There Are Actually Some Demagogues Out There Who Want to Ban Sales of "Gone with the Wind" Now

This country has gone completely insane. It is official now.............And call me old-fashioned but I find Nicki Minaj and Flva Flav a hell of a lot more embarrassing to the black race than Butterfly McQueen and Hattie McDaniel ever were.


  1. Might be better banning the racist rapper Common, who loves to bash other black people as "ni**er". If you want to ban anything, but I don't....

  2. Book banning increases the book's popularity, quite often. IMO, banning works suggests more about those banning than the quality of the work. 'Gone' was written
    in response to 'Uncle Tom's Cabin', written by a Connecticut girl, Harriet Beecher
    Stowe and it too was controversial:
    "As well received as this book was, it certainly was not without its critics. Many Southerners were outraged, calling it "utterly false", "slanderous", and "criminal". A bookseller in Mobile, Alabama, was driven from town for selling the book.
    Stowe got threatening letters. Someone went so far as to send her a package containing a slave's severed ear.
    The book was considered abolitionist propaganda. During the Civil War it was banned in the southern states because of its anti-slavery content.
    It was banned in Russia for "undermining religious beliefs" and for the idea of equality." Both books are products of their time, whatever the literary value,
    and IMO neither deserves banning, but inclusion in the historical genre.

  3. And it isn't just the book but the movie that they want to axe; one of the top 3 or 4 movies of all time ("On the Waterfront" is probably my top choice).


  4. Disney's "Song of the South" has been banned for sale for years.

    1. I found this film for sale, Rusty.

      Where, how is "Song of the South" banned?

  5. Maybe it's just me being contrary again but I still prefer Melanie.


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