Wednesday, June 10, 2015

On the Fact that We Now Know that it Was D.A. Mosby Herself Who Had Ordered the Cops to Crackdown on that Very Street-Corner Where the Freddie Gray Fiasco Transpired

Granted, she didn't order the cops to give "rough rides" to suspects (assuming that that's what happened), but the fact that she is a potential witness here is a huge complication, and one that leads me to think that this chick needs to recuse herself and fast.................................................................................................Oh, and I also want to see the autopsy report. I mean, if it can be shown this guy had ingested his drug stash while fleeing from the police, he absolutely could have started seizing and that could have contributed to his injuries as well.


  1. It does put a few wrinkles in things. We should absolutely see the autopsy report. Assuming tests for drugs were preformed.

  2. This chick is more of a politician than a law enforcement person.

  3. If any cops were found to have been giving "rough rides", to prison with them. This would be an example of cops giving out punishment without due process... never a policeman's job, ever. At least outside of Judge Dredd.


  4. Her husband is on the city and liberal or not, that whole crew running Baltimore (where I once lived) are incompetent crooks.

    Rusty's plan B of building a 50 foot wall around the city sounds pretty good right about now. Snake Plissken....get ready.

  5. I agree, dmarks, but I'm not so certain if there's a second degree murder charge here. Criminal negligence or reckless endangerment sounds a lot more plausible to me.

  6. Baltimore needs somebody like Robert Woodson to run the city, Russ. Somebody who knows something about enterprise and who ISN'T crooked.

  7. Sounds to me like Baltimore needs a sh*t load more of a change in personnel than one person.


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