Wednesday, June 10, 2015

On the Fact that Fox News Continues to Give the Wall Street Journal an Open and Unfettered Forum to Spew its Neoconservative Bullshit

I think that I've been quite fair to Fox News (some might assert too fair); the fact that I've praised them for hiring Ed Henry, John Roberts, Maria Bartiromo, Howie Kurtz, and others, claimed that they were fairer and more reasonable than MSNBC, etc.. But I'm sorry, the fact that they week and week allow people like Brett Stephens and Dan Henninger to essentially spout neocon talking-points with nary a tiny slice of resistance is a bridge that this way too far for me and, yes, my viewership will sharply be reduced. Thank the Lord for Youtube.


  1. Fox News I once respected but what you say is all too true. With only a very few exceptions it has become the leading noise machine for the neocons, evangelicals, MIC, and Tea Party loons.

    I watch it now when it is time for comic relief.

  2. Yeah, I totally forgot about the Murdock connection.......The funny thing is that I agree with them on trade and immigration.

  3. I don't think "connection" is the best word. Unless you think, say, that "connection" is the best word to use for what exists between, say, GMC and Chevy.

  4. RN said: "Fox News I once respected but what you say is all too true."

    I bailed out earlier than you, I think. For different but what might be ultimately similar reasons. Hannity losing Colmes (he's a brash jackass who was reigned in by Colmes' greatly underestimated gentlemanly approach. Colmes at that time was one of the best ambassadors for the Left on TV). Greta. O'Reilly's sex scandal. Etc etc etc.


  5. All the perceived negatives aside,FOX must be doing something right.Highest ratings of any cable news network by one is even close.Recent poll's said they are the most trusted news network,even more so then mainstream media.Yet,gutter snipe's like Media Matters and MSNBC take shots at them on a daily no avail,I might add.


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