Sunday, June 7, 2015

On BB Saying that MBAs Are Arrogant but Mediocre

So, kind of like New York Times editorial writers, war-mongering politicians, ivory tower intellectuals (especially the ones who seem to hate free-speech), cable-news talking-heads, government sponsored scientists, central planners/bureaucratic douche-bags, community organizers who become President - people like that?


  1. I don't know if that category consists of MBAs, Will. The degree didn't exist when
    I started in the private sector, but it became popular. They were received with all
    the admiration combat troops have for a 90-day wonder and those I worked with for the most part were unfortunately over-rated and over-valued. It was a popular tack on degree to engineering and other strong fields that increased income. The financial sector is saturated with them. Looking back, I still have opinions about lawyers and MBAs although you can run across a good one once in awhile.

  2. I have little respect for MBA's in general, although as you say BB Idaho every so often a common sense type comes along with some actual accomplishments to their credit. Too few have ever spent time in the trenches getting things done.

  3. The pedagogical syllabus for the MBA differs little in difficulty/depth from that
    of the major in Gender Studies.


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