Tuesday, May 5, 2015

On MSNBC's New Philippine Hottie/News Anchor, Frances Rivera

How did ole Rupert miss out on this one (please fell free to blow up the top photo)? The dude must be slipping.


  1. Many of the women at FOX have law degree's or graduate degree's.


  2. Sorry Les.....her profile say's one of her turn off's is bald men.....maybe you should check out Bosley.

  3. She's not blonde...so that put her toward the back of the line at Fox.

  4. Many of the women at FOX have law degree's or graduate degree's.

    That explains it. Paralysis by conservative over analysis.

    Smart, hot, opinionated; with the ability to get mesmerized males acting like politically indoctrinated Sheeples.

  5. There are a few brunette hotties at Fox (Julie Bandares and a couple of the black chicks come to mind) but, yeah, blondes do seem to get the more bangin' assignments.


  6. FOX must be doing something right...more viewers then CNN,CNBC,MSNBC combined and a recent poll said they are the most trusted name in news.It just drives the left ape shit that FOX is so damn successful.

  7. Fox has gotten better (it's certainly more viewable than MSNBC) but it still has a ways to go, I think.

    1. Don't watch CNBC or MSNBC at all. CNN gets about 30 minutes and FOX 60 minutes due to higher entertainment value.

      Like the local stations and giving PBS mire time going forward.

      Truth is getting jj5 n shorter and shorter supply on cable news networks.


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