Tuesday, May 5, 2015

On the Assertion that Employers Always have the Advantage Over Employees When it Comes to Negotiating Pay - Part 2

Yep, it's still pure bullshit and I can prove it simply by pointing to my own place of employment (a skilled nursing facility). a) CNAs make more than housekeepers. b) LPNs make more than CNAs. c) RNs make more that LPNs. d) BSNs make more than RNs. e) APRNs, OTs, PTs, and SLPs make make more than BSNs. f) Administrators make more than APRNs, OTs, PTs, and SLPs. And g) physicians make more that administrators. That is how it works, folks. You improve your human capital and you improve your earning capacity. Yes, it's a difficult message to impart but it's better than constantly telling people that they're powerless and that the only available recourse is to trust some fascist union slug and/or petition the government.............................................................................................P.S. And I ask you, how is it fair to the LPNs who worked their tails off and sacrificed to tell them that the CNAs are only going to make a buck or two less than them? I certainly wouldn't want to tell them.


  1. Skilled employees have a lot more advantage.

    The unskilled don't. Those willing to learn should be given a chance, and a financial incentive.

    Those purposefully and perversely unwilling to do work that earns more than a very low wage deserve to wallow in low pay.

    Something needs to be done for the truly needy, the single mother, the widow, disabled, etc. But I don't think laws that force struggling hardscrabble small businesses to give these needy people (along with a much greater number of well off, who get the same gift) unearned welfare out of their nonexistent profits is viable at all.

  2. In my experience, there has always been a set skill/pay hierarchy in the majority of
    jobs outside the Ivory Tower:
    the hierarchy was set based on
    local and area similar pay and
    surplus/shortage. There was no
    room for individual negotiation,
    the difference between what an
    individual thinks they are worth
    vs that worth with respect to the existing hierarchy. Thus continued attempts at negotiation
    resulted at best in a promotion,
    at worst, termination. IMO, the
    individual's advantage in the area
    is to meet or beat whatever goals
    are set for a particular position.
    As a young hotshot, I was told don't complain, we can always replace you easily. Presumably,
    they did, for I never stayed where
    I was considered 'a piece of meat'. Having been through the process over the last 2-3 generations, my advice is to build the resume, understand the
    position requirements, go the extra mile: if abused by poor mgt.
    do even more while you find another job and avoid being nasty
    in the exit interview. It really boils down to the individual vs
    a big organization and the cog
    negotiating with the machine.
    Doesn't take a rocket engineer to
    observe that a single unhappy cog
    is far better than almost all the
    cogs pissed off. I was happiest
    and most productive when simply
    ignored by the topside and they
    gradually came to accept that...
    but different strokes for different cogs, I guess.

  3. We have a lot of complainers where I work. The ones with initiative go back to school and the ones without it either fry out or persevere unhappily.


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