Tuesday, May 12, 2015

On the Fact that Only 13% of American Foreign-Aid is Humanitarian Aid (the Rest of it Going to Bureaucrats, the Military, and Moronic Attempts at Nation-Building)

I'm not a major fan of foreign aid in general in that doesn't address the fundamental reasons as to WHY these countries are poor (a lack of economic liberty, government corruption, etc.) but if we are going to engage in such a policy can we at least do our damnedest to see that the help goes to the actual people who need it and not to the frigging rulers, military, etc.? I mean, is that too much to ask?................................................................................................Source - George Mason University economics professor, Christopher Coyne's exceptional book, "Doing Bad by Doing Good".


  1. I remember arguing with someone who defended the US giving more than a billion dollars of aid when it was ruled by the terrorist "Brotherhood" psychos.

    This person defended the aid on the grounds that only a quarter of a billion dollars went as a blank check to the terrorists, instead of the whole billion.

    Gee, that makes it all better, doesn't it?

  2. And the thing is, it isn't even the poorest countries that are getting the "help". Egypt - a PERFECT example.

  3. Yes, I forgot to name Egypt. Glad you picked it up.


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