Tuesday, May 12, 2015

On the Fact that Baltimore (Over the Past Ten Years) Has Gotten $2.4 Billion in Federal Assistance, $1.8 Billion in State Aid, and $1.8 Billion in Stimulus Money (80% of Which Has Already Been Spent) and the Place is Still a Fucking Shit-Hole

Yeah, more Benjamins ought to do the trick.................................................................................................P.S. And, no, this doesn't even include all of millions and millions of dollars in food stamps and other entitlements that the city has been distributing to the population (cash that was supposed to stimulate the economy a la the Keynesian multiplier).


  1. With the city being in liberal control for over 40 years,very similar to what happened in Detroit.Also similar to Detroit,Baltimore has lost almost 30% of its population in the past years and now they are saddled with an incompetent and possibly crooked mayor.

  2. I wonder how much has gone to bureaucrats, and for wealthy union thugs to do lousy work they are paid princely sums to do.

  3. I think that we should turn every American inner-city into a miniature Hong Kong; anybody who wants to start a business can start one no charge, junk the minimum wage, etc..

  4. That is good for the poor, Will. No bad regulation to force companies to fire low-rate workers.


  5. I think we should take a city like Baltimore and build a 50' wall around it...if we need something from inside the city we would send Snake Pliskin in to get it out.

  6. There might be some room for federal aid as micro-loans to small businesses.

    This comes in the heels of a discussion in which I opposed loans to the wealthy corporations, the 1%... and a left-winger supported such loans.

    I think there is a difference between such types of loans. but can be convinced otherwise.

  7. I actually think that with the right policies (centered around free enterprise, school choice, etc.) a lot of these areas can turn around.


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