Saturday, May 30, 2015

On America and Foreign Entanglements

Let's see, George Washington or the Wall Street Journal's resident neocon stooge, Bret Stephens? Gee, that's a tough one, NOT (Stephens's latest absurdity being that Iran and Iraq ended up stronger after their eight year war in which millions died and half their wealth was squandered)!!....................................................................................................P.S. And as far as Iraq being emboldened after their war with Iran and that was why the invaded Kuwait, bullshit to that as well. The reason that Iraq invaded Kuwait was because April Glaspie and others in the Bush senior administration all but flagged them in/assured them that we would stay the fuck out of it.......Of course, Mr. Stephens is probably too young to remember that.......or to have served up his backside.


  1. Neocons, a modern day American scourge.

  2. And the War Street, err, I mean, Wall Street Journal, is ground-zero for that scourge.


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