Sunday, May 31, 2015

Note to President Obama

Please, in your own damned words (as opposed to spouting off those thoroughly discredited arguments about scientific consensus and/or genuflecting to authority), explain to me why you think that a) mankind/human CO2 is currently the predominant cause of climate change (as opposed to the usual suspects; oceanic oscillations, the sun, cosmic rays, clouds, planetary perturbations, volcanic activity, plate tectonics, etc.), b) the present level of warming (seven tenths of a degree centigrade over the past century and a half - none of which has occurred over the past 17 years) is something to be alarmed about, and c) prevention is a better way to deal with the problem (if in fact it is a problem) than adaptation when virtually every piece of analysis (including that of Yale's, Richard Nordhaus - ONE OF YOUR GUYS) has shown that adaptation would in fact be infinitely cheaper. I mean, I know that you're essentially a robot on this issue and your fallback position is always one of more parasitic statist control but until you can intellectually talk about this issue (citing the satellite data, locating the hot spot, examining global sea ice, etc.) without those moronic talking points, I will continue to think of you as little more than a nimrod and a tool on par with your predecessor.Thank you for your time, Mr. President.


  1. He doesn't have to face an election or anything. He's "got his": millions of taxpayer dollars to use for his personal enjoyment. He doesn't have to listen to you, or pretty much anyone.

  2. The last straw for me was when he gave his commencement speech at the Coast Guard Academy and started pimping climate change there. I mean, that was ballsy even for him.

  3. I've grown to hate the word moron. Almost as much as stupid. Which is Jersey's favorite word.


  4. Anyone who voted for Obama got what they deserve.....a $4,000 dollar a year decrease in household earnings....the lowest number of job participants in the past 30 years.... 2015 the lowest first quarter growth in history...and a weakened America worldwide......yet some foolish sop's biggest concern's are the small minded can some be....

  5. I should have voted for Barr (McCain I still consider to be unstable), Russ. But if it makes you feel any better, Obama would have carried CT either way and so maybe give me a break.


  6. Sorry Will...hindsight is always 20/20......and yes I wasted a vote,because I could'nt hold my nose and vote for McCain

  7. Hey guys, not to fret. 2016 offers the chance for republicans th o f*ck things up even more. Mote neo con BS, more government intrusion into private lives (think reproductive rights and marriage equality), greater Church State connection, increased MIC spending, lower taxes while increasing government spending, greater seperation between the wealthy and the shrinking middle class, and on it goes. Oh yeah, bring on the happy days of the R 20's.

    America has become a joke. Starting with GWB and big Dick Cheney and moving forward.


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