Sunday, April 12, 2015

On Al Gore Once Having Referred to the Legendary Scientist, Roger Revelle, as Senile (this, After Revelle Had Expressed Serious Second Thoughts About Man-Made Global Warming)

It was thoroughly disgraceful, and if you really want to know what kind of a human being that this guy is, you probably needn't go beyond this. Really...........................................................................................................P.S. And, yes, just for the record here, Professor Revelle remained as sharp as a razor right up to the very end; writing letters to Senators and Congressmen and composing an article for Cosmos entitled, "What to Do About Global Warming: Look Before You Leap" (or, in Gores case, "Look Before You Make a Boatload of Moolah on the Thing"). 

1 comment:

  1. It's not science if it doesn't contribute to the bottom line of the man who lost the election in 2000, don't you know.


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