Saturday, February 7, 2015

On the Maddening Case of Phil Nolan

UConn fans should be used to it by now, highly touted players coming to the program and just not panning out; Ajou Deng, Marcus Cox, Scott Hazelton, Curtis Kelly, Ater Majok, Jamaal Coombs McDaniel, Jonathan Mandledove, etc., etc.. But this fellow, Nolan (one of the premiere centers coming out of high school in 2012), is especially exasperating in that he's actually regressed to the point where he's averaging 0.9 points and 1.1 rebounds a game and seems to be on the verge of getting bounced from the rotation (and, yes, the fact that "we" really needed his ass this year - the fact that we lost three top-notch starters; Shabazz Napier, Deandre Daniels, and Niels Giffey, from last years national championship team - makes it all the more frustrating). Thankfully, we have another big man "can't-miss prospect" (a kid by the name of Steven Enoch) coming in next year and I'm hoping that the law of averages....


  1. UConn; I thought Jim Calhoun was a
    helluva coach. But he showed up as the 'color guy' I was watching the other night: a WCC game with
    Gonzaga. He rambled and never shut up, until I turned the sound down. I liked his broad college basketball knowledge and opinion,
    but even the broadcaster couldn't get a word in. BTW, having one
    of my daughters teach chemistry at Gonzaga a few years back, I have followed their team, one which like U Wisconsin wins on
    teamwork and defense, rather than
    the backstreet hotdog style so
    common these days. Unfortunately,
    Gonzaga is in a weak conference and we may expect them to get
    bumped in the NCAA tournament.
    Along those lines, I suspect the
    Kentucky club may be in for a surprise then as well.

  2. Oh, I would love to see Kentucky take it on the chin; all of those one and done youngsters.


  3. I'm fearful Kentucky will go undefeated this year,although coach K has the Dukies playing very well at the right time.

    I had high hopes for my Pirates,but they are now heading down the drain.

  4. That Big East is majorly competitive this year (I saw Providence and Xavier yesterday - good game!), Russ. Even DePaul is proving to be a tough out


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