Thursday, January 1, 2015

On Railroads and Native-Americans

Here's another monstrous differentiation between the public and private sectors. While James J. Hill purchased land and rights of way from the Native-Americans, the United States government in cahoots with their cronies engaged in a genocidal killing spree (they also eradicated the buffalo, for Christ) and basically ripped the land off. To say that these railroads have blood on their on the tracks (to steal a phrase from Bob Dylan) is a flat-out truism.


  1. Will, is your blog now History Channel III?

  2. Maybe. I would probably do "Pawn Stars" without the ancillary story lines, though (all that BS with Chumley, the old man, etc.).

  3. Aren't those folks still searching for Big Foot?

  4. BB: Because everyone needs a history channel 38 hours a day of flea-market/thrift-shop scavenger shows.

  5. Also, you realize it couldn't last.... The very name "The History Channel" assumes a sort of refinement of intellectual interest... that while it does exist, isn't as strong as they might have hoped. So it ends up degenerating.

    Just like if they had created "The Calculus Channel", they'd have some success for a couple of years of airing higher math programs before giving in to dwarf-tossing marathons and "America's Most Dangerous Tiger Selfie".


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