Wednesday, December 31, 2014

On the Concept of Old, Frequently Insane, Oft-Times Alcoholic, Occasionally Senile Geezers Sending Younger and Lesser Affluent Men Off to Die in Idiotic Wars

It's kind of a pet-peeve of mine. I'll admit it.


  1. Money, Influence; Control, and Power.

    When one or a group has it all it makes for a dangerous person or a government.

    Principles are considered more important than life and thus war to force the preferred principles of the powerful upon the less powerful.

    In the case of slavery USA pre 1860's the same applies with the added dehumanizing aspects.

    Some extremist right wingers today continue to hold the same prejudices as though they have value and constitute valid principles.

  2. The 2 parties have basically taken turns being the war party and now they both seem to have that inclination.

  3. Will said: "The 2 parties have basically taken turns being the war party and now they both seem to have that inclination."

    And when there are peaceniks in any number, it is out of purely partisan "their war bad, my war good" reasons.

  4. A true peacenik is partisan only in that they view all war as bad, regardless of whose war it is.


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