Saturday, January 17, 2015

On Bill O'Reilly Claiming that the Saudis Have Committed Grave Atrocities in the Name of Islam

Well, certainly in their support of Wahhabism and Wahhabi schools they have (not to mention the fact that a majority of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis). But what Mr. O'Reilly could have (and probably should have) added to that is the fact that these very same Saudis have also committed a fair number of atrocities in the name of American hegemony (the fact that we've "rendered" a fair number of terror suspects over to them who've been tortured and maybe murdered). I mean, I know that O'Reilly loves to feast upon "good guys versus bad guys" and all but you gotta be complete to be credible, in my opinion, and he was not.


  1. Saudi's royal family are no friend to America.

  2. And their playing both sides of the fence is getting quite stale.


  3. With oil under 50 bucks and the North Dakota fields,not to mention shale producing more then we import the Saudi's importance will rapidly decline.If we can continue to increase private energy production here any dependence we have on the Saudi's will be nil in ten years.


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