Thursday, December 4, 2014

On this Image (Churchill and FDR After Having Just Toasted With the Most Virulent Mass-Murderer in All of Human History)

If this doesn't make you want to vomit, take a shower, and disinfect yourself, then nothing will.


  1. Horrible...
    just how much did FDR and Churchill KNOW about him when they were so chummy?

  2. Stalin had already killed tens of millions during "peacetime" as he strove to perfect socialism in the USSR.

  3. The enemy of our enemy is our friend philosophy at work. While we fed millions in war equipment into the USSR, they bore the brunt of the Nazi combat. Not comfortable, but a tit for tat
    that saved a lot of American
    combat deaths in the ETO.

  4. Current events in America give me that same discomfort.


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