Thursday, December 4, 2014

On Burt Lancaster's Reaction After Offing those Two Mobsters in "Atlantic City"

With the possible exception of a scene or two from "Elmer Gantry" and "Sweet Smell of Success", the dude's finest on-screen moment.


  1. I'm of a different generation. I mainly know him for "Field of Dreams".

  2. You haven't seen "Elmer Gantry", "Birdman of Alcatraz", "From Here to Eternity", "Sweet Smell of Success", etc.?... Dude, you've got to!!

  3. I have seen Birdman, but only once. So far!

  4. I love your taste in movies!!

  5. Burt at the top of his game, dmarks; that along with "Elmer Gantry" (for which he won his Oscar), "Atlantic City", etc..............It seem as if we have identical tastes, Z. So, have you ever seen "The Razor's Edge"? Anne Baxter is flat-out PERFECT in it (her transformation from good girl to lost soul being gut-wrenching).


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