Thursday, November 13, 2014

On Why We REALLY Hate Iran

The fact that they're run by a bunch of religionist nuts? The fact that they treat women like garbage? The fact that they're a state-sponsor of terrorism and virulently anti-Israel?...How 'bout a fourth possibility, folks? How 'bout, we don't like Iran because we can't control them and because we can't control them they're somehow a chink in the armour of American hegemony? I mean, is that not at least a possibility here?


  1. I'm not sure how far the last goes. France is anti-US, but without the aggression and making genocide "Job 1" that Iran has. And the rivalry with France is as a result like Red Sox vs Yankees fans, without war language.

    I don't think it is a huge factor.

  2. We can't control them AND they have lots of oil!

  3. And we supported the Shah because of what Jerry said.

    A probability with a great likelihood of being true.

  4. I'm not a big fan of the type of society that Iran has become for certain. But a) what Les and Jerry said and b) according to multiple accounts (Scott Horton, David Crist, Flynt Leverett - the latter 2 having served under Bush 2), in the weeks and months after 9/11, Ryan Crocker was making incredible progress in negotiations with Iran and for some idiotic reason Bush and the neocons pulled the plug and THAT is why we're still in the shit with those folks.


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