Thursday, November 13, 2014

On Neoconservative Nut-Jobs Like Charles Krauthammer Trying to Assert that America's Problems Abroad are the Result of Insufficient "Engagement"

How can you even begin to take that shit seriously? From Teddy Roosevelt in the Philippines to Woodrow Wilson in Mexico and eventually Europe, from LBJ and Richard Nixon in Vietnam to the Bushes in Iraq, from Bill Clinton in Kosovo to Barack Obama in Libya, the U.S. has been all over the planet for well over a Century now. Couple that with the fact that the U.S. continues to have military bases on virtually every continent and spends more the next 13 countries combined on defense and, yes, the craziness of what Mr. Krauthammer is asserting here becomes even more pronounced........................................................................................And the fact that most of these interventions have had such serious unintended consequences as well; our involvement in WW1 resulting in a a punitive peace settlement and fodder for the rise of Hitler, our provocative actions off the coast of Vietnam which led to the first Gulf of Tonkin incident and ultimately 58,000 dead Americans, our invasion of Iraq which unquestionably led to a civil war, a strengthening of Iran, and eventually a terrorist state....Yeah, Mr. Krauthammer, we really need to be engaging more, absofrigginglutely.


  1. People don't like to be controlled by others.

    USA understands that very well for themselves. Not so much for others when it is not in our "interest" to do so.

    We's got ourselves a hell of a track record.

  2. And Krauthammer is considered one of the smarter neocons.


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