Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The 800 Pound Bad Idea in the Room

The left will dwell on an abortion clinic bombing from 25 years ago and hammer every pro-life conservative in the process. But when it comes to entire Islamic countries mutilating women, slaughtering homosexuals, and killing folks simply because they adhere to a different religion, they just don't seem to want to get overly exorcised about that (choosing instead to call that dimwitted Neanderthal in Nevada a "terrorist"). I mean, I know that we want to respect other people's cultures, religions, etc. and all but every once in a while you do have to call a spade a spade.


  1. Come on Will....its not PC to call a spade a spade.

  2. Perhaps I should have phrased that a little differently.

  3. Call a licorice twizzler a licorice twizzler?

  4. Actually, I prefer the real licorice. Only draw back is it raises blood pressure when eaten excessively.

  5. I cook a lot with star anise. Just a dash and it rocks.


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