Tuesday, October 7, 2014

On the Odds of Ted Cruz Ever Being Elected President

I have a better chance of dating (and, yes, I'm clearly dating myself here) Courteney Cox, Felicity Huffman, Kristin Scott Thomas, Isabelle Huppert, Patricia Clarkson, Helena Bonham Carter, Patti Scialfa, Patty Griffin, and Linda Fiorentino simultaneously than this a-hole has of ever even sniffing Pennsylvania Avenue.............Of course if the Democrats nominate some drooler like Elizabeth Warren, stranger things have happened, I guess.


  1. How long will it be until the left begins slicing up Leon Panetta?

  2. Ted Cruz will do extremely well with those who like Tea and Green Eggs and Ham. Just check with Sam I Am. Or, Shackleford.

  3. Not very, Russ.............You guys are starting to remind me of Dusty Rhodes and Tully Blanchard; the longest wrestling feud in history (rumor has it that they're still not talking).

  4. And didn't Truth actually promote wrestling back in the day?......I mean, talk about eclectic.

  5. From the party who proffered Palin...I would absolutely expect them to nominate Cruz.


  6. This feud wont last long if Les keeps wearing chemical clothing,he wont be around long.

  7. CI, being that the primary voters tend to be a lot more hard-core, yeah, he could possibly get the nomination and then go down in flames in the general. No argument.


  8. My dream would be to make Cruz the majority leader in Jan..
    Just imagine going from creepy Harry to crazy Ted....what fun C-Span would be.

  9. I think that Lisa came here once. Probably saw me as too libertine and booked.


  10. Ahh Lester....Will and I go back a long way,from our days twisting tails at LC. Well before you showed up.

  11. '...he could possibly get the nomination and then go down in flames in the general. No argument.'
    If ya Cruz, ya lose....

  12. "...he could possibly get the nomination and then go down in flames in the general. No argument.'
    If ya Cruz, ya lose...."

    The same could happen with scandal-ridden Hillary... prone to emotional outbursts. Or the fraudulent fake Native American Elizabeth Edwards (who cynically lied about her race for special advantage), seen as too extreme by most.

    Some real "winners" on both sides....

  13. p.s. the above is Elizabeth Warren NOT Edwards.

    My accidentally getting her name wrong will be red meat for toilet boy and inspire hundreds of words, surely.

  14. Yep, call in "cruzin to the losin." Then the Teapublicans can spend 8 years figuring out just why it happened.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. My sympathies Will. Can't even imagine putting up with Shackleford's nonsense for years.

  17. Will Shackleford? Any relation to Ted Shackleford from "Knots Landing"?


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