Monday, September 29, 2014

The Silence of the Doves (Myself not Included)

George Bush was called a war criminal for his failure to get a U.N. authorization to invade Iraq. How long must we wait for those same clamoring leftists to designate President Obama one for his not even attempting to get an authorization prior to detonating Syria. My suspicion is that, except for a few high integrity individuals such as Jonathan Turley and Jeremy Scahill, it is a wait that will probably be measured in years as opposed to hours.


  1. Bush sent troops into Iraq in accordance with a specific UN resolution. While it was bungled badly, it was quite legal, as the ICC agrees.

    Obama has invaded countries with no UN resolution involved. Yet there is silence from most of the irrational Bush-haters will lied about imaginary Bush war crimes.

  2. I have problems with both fellows, but at least I've tried to be consistent.

    1. As have I. My main point being the hypocrisy and inconsistency of certain liars.


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