Sunday, September 28, 2014

On the Concept of Launching $500,000 Missiles to Take Out a Vehicle, A Couple of Mouth-Breathing Slantheads, Etc.

Yeah, that could add up to some serious cash rather rapidly.


  1. I wondered about one of those reports that I heard, that mentioned the results of one of these massive attacks being a damaged Humvee.

    Sort of the kind of thing where we would get the same results by sending over a teenager careening out of control text-messaging behind the wheel of a Toyota Corolla.

  2. War on the cheap; how about private enterprise?-a Blackwater
    supervisor (34 men) is paid twice
    what General Petraeus made.

  3. Me, I'd have the Iranians taking some of that incoming fire for a while.

  4. Me too. But the 'Malachi Marauders' seem to specialize in
    disorganized retreat. Now the Kurds,.....

  5. On of the biggest mistake that Rumsfeld and Bush made (and, yes, there more than a few) was disbanding the military. I mean, talk about creating a huge vacuum.


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