Tuesday, September 9, 2014

On Why I Didn't Watch Megan Kelly's Interview With that Douche-Bag, Ward Churchill

Hm, I'm probably going to go with, "Because I've already seen enough train-wreck television on cable "news" to last a lifetime and at this juncture I'd rather get kicked in the head by a moose than have to watch any more of such full-bore idiocy/crapolla.".........................................................................................P.S. And, yes, even if the interviewer is hot.


  1. Just turn the sound down and make sure the closed caption is off. :-)

  2. After the 100th airing of her interview with Bill Ayers...I've just taken to turning down the sound...and still being able to look at Megyn.

  3. She's not exactly tough on the eyes, now is she, fellas'?


  4. Where does FOX get all these smoking hot lawyers?

    My lawyer is a short,fat,baldheaded jewish guy.

  5. So fire him and give Kelly or one of the others a deal they can't refuse. Maybe FreeStinke will help with the financing.

  6. Shannon Bream isn't tough to take, either, eh, guys?


  7. Shannon Bream has the most beautiful eyes on TV.


  8. RN,now you are on FreeThinks case?

    Seems its only Boston Chubby who scratches behind your ear.

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  10. No Shackleford I'm not on "FreeThinke's" case. It is quite the opposite.

    But by all means keep sitting in his choir and carry his water. He craves the adoration.

    No one scratches behind my ears dude, I carry water for no one, never have, never will. Something YOU will never acheive.

    Carry on and be sure to report back to "FreeThinke."

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  13. RN,it sounds a bit ignorant when a 60's something baldheaded guy calls people "dude." Do you also wear a baseball cap on backwards?

  14. Do you Shackleford?

    When it comes to ignorance and schmuckery pots should call the kettle black, eh dude.

  15. And, it appears as though it is time for RustBucket ShackleFord to visit the Stinke Shack for instructions.

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