Wednesday, September 10, 2014

On ESPN's, Skip Bayless, Saying that Derek Jeter ISN'T One of the All-Time Greatest Yankees

Skip Bayless is an idiot. Derek Jeter absolutely IS one of the greatest Yankees ever and here are the hard facts; 3,450 hits (6th all-time), 1,917 runs scored (10th all-time), 540 doubles, 259 home runs, 1,301 RBI, 357 stolen bases, 1,080 walks, a .310 lifetime batting average (well above that of Mickey Mantle and Yogi Berra), a .308 lifetime post-season batting average, 5 Gold Gloves, and 5 World Series Championships. Add to that the fact that the man is a sure fire first-ballot Hall of Famer and you really do have to question not just Bayless's intellect here but his sanity as well.


  1. Skip Bayless is a nitwit...he also thought Vince Young was an elite quarterback and Tim Tebow would be a star in the NFL.Two months ago he said the Houston Texans would regret for ever not drafting Manziel.

    Bayless has absolutely no credibility

  2. And that show in the morning (save for the hot black chick moderator) with him and Steven A. Smith is a veritable train-wreck. I mean, how many frigging Tim Tebow stories can they possibly do?

  3. Just like news-persons aren't what they used to be, so, too, the sportswriters.

  4. Personally I liked Yogi B. myself for all time greatest Yankee. But I would, I was a catcher.

  5. Newspersons, sportswriters- aren't what they used to be.
    IMO, that truism is caused by
    the plethora of 24/7 talking heads, by the hundreds. In a twist the old 'dilution is the solution to pollution' what we see is a dilution of quality simply from the large number of
    'personalities' rushed in front of the mike and camera, and so
    'dilution is the cause of pollution' in this instance.
    (kind of grumpy this AM)

  6. Les, Yogi was probably one of the top 3 to 4 catchers of all time (along with Bench, Dickey, and possibly Fisk). Not a bad choice at all.......BB, you and I are old enough to remember Howard K. Smith, Huntley and Brinkley, and a whole host of other luminaries. Those were the days, me-buck.

  7. Will: Tim Russert was one of those luminaries.... a throw-back to the ones you named, perhaps.

    Anyone else remember Lou Gordon?

  8. Will said: "Just like news-persons aren't what they used to be, so, too, the sportswriters"

    Or sportscasters.... remember Red Barber and Ernie Harwell? And so many other names across the country

  9. Tim Russert and Mike Wallace were probably the 2 finest interviewers of the last 50 years.

  10. And Russ Hodges, "The Giants win the pennant! The Giants win the pennant!"


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