Tuesday, September 30, 2014

On the Latest Lisa, Shaw Donnybrook

As a person who holds both parties in contempt, all that I can really do here is look with bemusement. You have these two individuals who literally nobody has ever heard of digging their heels in, glorifying the particular, chipping away at each other edifice as if it amounted to something. I mean, I know that these things can get heated and that they sure as hell do, but if you have some situation in which a Neanderthal/bozo (which I gather Lisa to be at this juncture - at least to a degree) is talking endless smack in an echo chamber, just don't go to that fucking echo chamber. That's what I do....and I can fully assure you that ignorance IS bliss.......There, now watch, everybody is ape-shit now.


  1. .....it will forever be known as the "Blogwars" of 2014....history books will tell of comments made by historical figures similar to the founding fathers.....brilliant commenters such as Octo..Shaw..Skudrunner..Dave...RN...Lisa...Kid....and Radical Redneck will be compared to Washington,Jefferson,Madison,Franklin and Monroe......not really,but I think they envision themselves as important.

  2. See, now that's funny - I find that funny. Maybe other people wouldn't. I don't know anymore.

  3. Radical Redneck and Octo, LOL - Imagine having to know these people in real life, having to work with them, etc.? I could never do it.


  4. Will,you know Rusty doesn't take this shit as serious as these pumpkins do....I just think its comical they take themselves so damn serious.....I mean,who really cares what they think?


  5. Ah Will,I love to twist their tails....they are so friggin easy....they are so serious about the dribble they write...they think the earth stops spinning while everyone digests their comments...do any of them actually have lives.

  6. Given the situation, I'm thinking
    Rusty's BlogWars 2014 may accelerate: BlogWars Spring 2015,
    BlogWars July 2015, Blogwars August 12, BlogWars August 13 AM,
    etc. We guess it lets off accumulated steam and the collateral damage is not usually fatal. Me, I'm still trying to figure out why that lady in Indiana not only kicked me off her blog for defending Quakers, but why she thought that merited
    'treason' as the cause. Gotta go along with Rusty this time.

  7. I got bounced from TammyBruce.com for criticizing Palin (respectfully, I had thought) several years ago. I probably should have taken it as a compliment.

  8. I find it amazing your opinion of this without knowing the entire story.
    But thanks for asking


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