Tuesday, September 30, 2014

On Blogging Wars

a) It's just politics and b) 99.999999% of the people on this planet will never read a damn thing that any of us ever writes and even if they were to they'd probably disregard is as abject silliness. My suggestion here is that we all, all of us (myself included), need to take ourselves a little less seriously and maybe check out some chicks or something.


  1. 95% of people on blogs take themselves way too serious and I think they actually believe others find their comments insightful.

    The vast majority of them have a zero sense of humor while their lives seem to revolve around their own partisan world.

    At least on this blog Will mixes in some sports and entertainment threads along with historical issues.

    So Rusty says....carry on Will.

  2. In the meanwhile ceding the playing field to, well, you fill in the blank(s).

    Intellectual honesty, truth, civility, personal responsibilty, respect for others, you know, all those principles that matter. Just cede them all to the asshats to pervert at will. Yeah, works NOT for people with a sense of ethics.

  3. What if they gave a blogging war and no-one came?

  4. I love all you fellas'. It's my story and I'm sticking to it, damn it.


  5. I really don't know.....but I think RN needs a lot more fiber in his diet....he seems to be just a tad bound up....

  6. Some enjoy "wars". The rest of us have integrity.

  7. True confession - I kinda did enjoy the Donald Trump, Rosie O'Donnell war - just for the comedy.


  8. Having been a boxing fan my whole life....I love a good fight and at times I will throw a little gas on one.

  9. It makes me think of the old Voltron versus Cliffy epics. Gee, I wonder what happened to Voltron. I would love to see him back and engaged in some of this stuff.

  10. I used to start fights between kindergarteners when I was a 6th grader (a 12 year-old Don King) and, so, yeah, I can kind of relate, Russ.

  11. Rusty Shackleford said - ...I love a good fight and at times I will throw a little gas on one.

    Not surprising,you're full of gas.


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