Thursday, September 18, 2014

On the Concept of Patting Down (At the Country's Airports) 80 year-old American Grannies With the Same Level of Verve as 20-Something Middle-Eastern Neanderthals Holding One-Way Airline Tickets

Please, if there's a more absurd (not to mention, potentially dangerous) example of political correctness run amok, whip it on me, 'cause I'd really love to hear it.


  1. Another example? Those on the hard Left claiming that a black person can never be racist, and that only whites can.

    As someone who had observed racism from individuals of all races (including such examples as a pure blood Native American who hates Obama for being black), I can lift this up as an example of political correctness gone truly crazy.

  2. Dunno...maybe those old Code Pink dames?

  3. Yeah, dmarks, I think that Farrakhan (with his decades of anti-Semitism), Jackson (with his Hymietown comment), and Sharpton (with his Greek homos comment) have pretty much batted that one out of the ballpark.......I don't know, BB, I kinda think that that one Code Pink lady (Madea something) is not too bad (for guys our age, I'm saying).

    1. I see Madea ran for office once, and got 3% of the vote. A great example of how those self proclaimed 99%ers have their math totally wrong.

      Its not that those occupy types are with is that 99% are against them.


  4. Holy Christ Will!! Madea Benjeman? You need to get to your local Pearl Vision Center as quickly as you can.

  5. You know what else I get a kick out of, dmarks; the fact they come up with a category so diverse (99%ers) that it includes hospital administrators making $300,000 a year and derelicts on skid-row begging for cash. I mean, I haven't done much research in a while but I still know that when the variability within groups is greater than the variability between them, you really haven't very proven much and that is most definitely the case here.


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