Saturday, September 20, 2014

On the Claim that Since Bush 2 Issued More Executive Orders than Obama, He Therefore Must be Worse

Professor Turley bats this one away quite easily. He specifically (and accurately) points out that most executive orders are actually quite piddly and so therefore the number of them is immaterial. It is the type of executive order that counts and here Mr. Obama has superseded his predecessors materially; essentially legislating from the White House (changing the health care law over 30 times, dropping bombs literally all over the planet, picking and choosing what to enforce when it comes to immigration, presiding over an EPA that has gone totally rogue, etc.). In fact, I might even go as far as to say that President Obama is now close to rivaling the imperial Presidencies of Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, and Nixon, with two more years to go.


  1. To some degree he has been forced to use executive orders to do anything since he has a Congress that can't pass legislation.

    1. Jerry: Congress can legally pass or fail to pass legislation. Congress doing what it is supposed to do does not "force" a President to do anything.

    2. And the president can legally issue executive orders.

  2. Don't ya just love all the opportunities to engage in tit for tat? Just like politicians and congress critters.

  3. And the Congress actually HAS passed a bunch of stuff. It just doesn't happen to be to the liking of Reid (who refuses to bring it to a vote in the Senate) and Obama, that's all.


  4. It going to be great in Jan.when we wont be subjected to creepy Harry Reid anymore.The only bad result is we will be subjected to boring Mitch McConnell.

  5. You're going to kill me, Russ, but I actually kind of like McConnell's opponent in Kentucky, especially when she fires that gun in the commercial and claims that she will fight tooth and nail Obama's anti-coal agenda. She kind of reminds me of Manchin in a way.


  6. Point taken Will....I just want about 54 (R) in the Senate.

  7. The House, Jerry. The House has passed numerous pieces of legislation and the Senate has essentially ignored it. That's what I was trying to say.

  8. And the senate has passed numerous pieces of legislation and the House has essentially ignored it. That is why I said "....he has a Congress that can't pass legislation."

  9. Well, I obviously agree that there's gridlock. I'm just not entirely certain that I want to blame one party solely for it.......How 'bout we blame the Republicans for 60,65% of it? Could you possibly go for that?

  10. I will agree that the Democrats share some of the blame. But when you look some of the legislation passed in the House (more than 50 bill to,repeal ACA alone) coupled with the use of the filibuster in the Senate, I would put the republican blame higher than 65%. But now we are just quibbling over numbers. The blame has been assigned.

  11. All of those vote to repeal Obamacare were idiotic and I try hard to make it point to never defend the indefensible.


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