Sunday, April 6, 2014

Yeah, But He Didn't Lie About Cutting Down the Tree

According to Andrew Napolitano's book, "Lies the Government Told You", not only was George Washington a slave-holder, he was an active and virulent one. According to Napolitano, Washington whipped his slaves, cut their toes off, and even had some of their teeth extracted and implanted into his own mouth. He also auctioned off the slaves of his debtors and while in office rotated his slaves in and out of Philadelphia because in Pennsylvania slaves by law had to be released after six consecutive months of bondage. This is all pretty hairy stuff and while I haven't been able to substantiate all of it, even if some of it is true, damned if it doesn't go a significant way in substantiating BB's claim (to which I totally concur) that all of these dudes had their fair share of warts for certain.


  1. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

  2. I guess we have to accept some warts; they seem to infect the human psyche. And we should recognize the positive as well:
    the 'father of our country' probably could have been king had he so chosen: he chose not, and
    started us off pretty well.

  3. He didn't listen to Hamilton (who I gather wanted a President for life) and, yes, BB, for that I have to give him very high marks.............I understand, Russ. I just get a little tired of the sanitized version of these people; Washington, Lincoln, TR, FDR, Reagan, etc. and it isn't the worst thing in the world to let a little sunshine in from time to time.

    1. BB Idaho nailed it. Washington, even with his human failings was the right man at the right time. While I identify more with Jefferson's views Washington did fine. IMNHO anyway.

  4. Contempt for and harsh criticism of the ruling sector is much more healthy for society than otherwise.

  5. True, and even guys like Ike and Kennedy had a fair share of bad points.


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