Sunday, April 6, 2014

Cock and Reload

Remember that scene from "Pulp Fiction" when the Uma Thurman character asked the John Travolta character if he "listened or waited to talk"? Yeah, huh?


  1. I have not watched Nancy Grace since that crazy bitch Jody Arias was on trial.

    I used to like Chris Matthews about 10 years ago but I really think he has gone a tad insane.He see's a racist behind every tree....he delights in calling the former VP Cheeeny (why,I don't know)and he did a full month about a traffic jam on the GW bridge.Read a recent Pew Institute survey about MSNBC,they are going down the bowl like Air America.

    O'Reilly does have a wide range of guest's,but his yearly fight against "The War on Christmas" is like finger nails on a blackboard.He is honest about his fight against child abuse and points the finger at judges who take the subject lightly.And,he does give a shit load of money to charity.

  2. And we'd both take any of them over wd, right?


  3. Its well documented how I feel about WD,but I gotta tell you...this spoof blog about RN he put up is absolutely hilarious.

    If WD ever channeled his efforts towards something positive he may someday get a job that doesn't require a paper hat.


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