Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Three Strikes and You're Out There - Way, WAY, Out There - Addendum

Let me repeat the basic point one more time. Those climate predictions which were made by James Hansen and Ben Santer in the early '90s haven't just proven to be a little wrong. THEY WERE AS WRONG AS WRONG CAN BE (the actual temperatures having been lower than even what they predicted with a draconian decrease in CO2, and neither is there a hot spot). Please, PLEASE, give me one logical reason as to why we should continue to give these people (who have also been proven over and over again to be dishonest) credence. It makes no sense............................................................................................And think about it for a minute. If you were to accidentally swallow some poison and/or fall prey to an infection or parasite, are there properties in your body which would make these invading agents worse, or are there properties in your body which would mediate the effects? Of course it the latter, right (mucus, inflammation, excretion, an elevation in temperature, etc.)? Well, that is how the earth is also (i.e., a natural system) and why it has been proven (via a measuring of outgoing radiation) fairly categorically that the feedbacks pertaining to increases in CO2 have not been positive (as the alamists have predicted) BUT NEGATIVE. I mean, it's common sense, for Christ..............................................................................................P.S. And even if what these individuals have been saying IS true, it would be far, FAR, less expensive to to adapt to these changes than it ever would be to prevent them (using THEIR data I conservatively estimate it to be 27:1) - if in fact we could prevent them (the fact that even if we were able to drastically reduce OUR carbon footprint, China, Brazil, India, and the rest of the developing world unquestionably would not).


  1. No sane, impartial, or fair-minded person thinks that the climate models were accurate (what, they predicted 17 years of zero warming?). They all predicted far more warming than we've had (and even most of the alarmists have admitted this now) and they all predicted a hot spot in the lower troposphere. Wrong and wrong.

  2. And I know exactly how these deviants operate. They blabber, "Yeah, well if you take out A, B, C, D, E, X, Y, and Z, then you'll notice that mankind's contribution to global warming has continued unabated." And it's like no shit, Sherlock. Of course mankind's contribution has continued unabated. A 2 year-old could have predicted that. But that was not your prediction. Your prediction was that such and such temperatures were going to occur and that they were going to occur precisely because mankind's contributions were going to overpower all of these natural phenomena which you and your stupid models proclaimed were not that important. In other words, you DID NOT say, "If a, b, c, etc., then Q." You sad, "Q" and YOU WERE WRONG. Live with it, fools.


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