Tuesday, April 29, 2014

On Rush Limbaugh Inserting Partisan Politics into the Sordid Donald Sterling Saga

Is there anything that this asshole won't insert his two cents worth into?


  1. The only way Rush "Douchebag" Limbaugh won't poison the airwaves with his flatulence is if he drops dead. He has to be the nation's biggest gasbag.

  2. It's kind of a tough call between him and the left's Ed Schultz. I'd probably have to agree with you in that the Rushster's audience is so much bigger and, because of that fact, so, too, his influence.

  3. Schultz, another wealthy corporate Democrat, is just a would-be Limbaugh.

  4. And I don't think that the man is right in the head, either; the look in his eyes, the constant unrestrained anger - kind of creepy.


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