Friday, April 25, 2014

On Progressive Bloggers, From My Experience

They are very litmus-test oriented; the fact that you could actually agree with them 50-60% of the time and they will still always, ALWAYS, focus completely and with great fervor (Ahab and Javert ain't got nothin' on these people) on the 40-50% of the time that you don't. To say that these people are dogmatic is as complimentary as I can be and I thank you for patience.


  1. Concentration on the points of disagreement may very well be the nature of political blogging. The commenter is often trying to point out where the other commenter or blog writer is wrong ( in their opinion). I think this is common with both conservative as well as progressive bloggers when dealing with the opposition.

    A blog is not like congress where they are trying to reach a consensus. Oh wait! The modern day congress is more like a blog.

  2. Just for the record, Jerry, I wasn't thinking of guys like you and BB when I wrote this but of a spate of other fellas'.......And your point about the Congress is of course spot on.

  3. "Darth Baconator" now - I shit you not, folks.

  4. There are of course exceptions as nothing is all inclusive. But yes Will you are right, progressives in general want it all their way. Jerry is correct too, conservatives are equally as inclined, if not even more so. Whether it be congress or blogs the same is true of both.

  5. One particular P blogger who shall remain unnamed is the poster canine that perfectly represents your point.


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