Saturday, April 26, 2014

On the Assertion by a Certain Leftist Bozo that I Lack an Open Mind

I have an open mind, alright. I've just gone in the other direction (from a Blue-Dog Democrat to a small l libertarian - and, yes, I'm aware of the limitations of labels and that is exactly why I've endorsed the No Labels movement, Simpson-Bowles, and various other nonpartisan initiatives) and that's what really bothers him, I'm thinking..................................................................................And I also have to ask you here, is there anything sadder on this planet than a fair to middlin' mind (astute observer of the obvious) who constantly tries to act so scholarly, pontificating, recondite, etc.? I mean, I know that it can in fact be amusing and for that it does have SOME value (in the form of comic relief) but for the person involved, I'm saying - sad.


  1. "Leftist Bozo" -- isn't that some sort of label?

  2. How 'bout this, Bret Stephens, he's a neocon bozo!

  3. Progressives, and yes conservatives as well have become so anal it is starting to get frightening.

  4. And sane guys like Jon Huntsman and Evan Bayh can never seem to get any traction (with their respective national parties).

  5. That of course is partially, if not mostly by design. The system is rigged by the party apparatchiks and the media is complicit. Power... Money... Influence, the American political system working hard with special interests so as to not topple the carefully constructed order.

  6. Will: Due to your opposition to the (economic) fascism of the hard left, and healthy contempt for the divine right of authority. you will always get such undue criticism.

    Such people need more critical minds, as they are always so quick to lap it up when the powerful steal from them and encroach on their freedoms.

  7. RN said: "The system is rigged by the party apparatchiks"

    True. Those in power plundered more than $100 million from taxpayers the last time around to give to the Democrat and Republican parties in order to run their party operations.

    The alternative parties are not in power, so they are not subject to this blatant "playing favorites" by those who rule.

  8. dmarks said... "Will: Due to your opposition to the (economic) fascism of the hard left, and healthy contempt for the divine right of authority. you will always get such undue criticism."

    Absolutely spot on statement. I've pretty much given up at this point in attempting to strike bipartisan relationships with the partisan hard left. I ave up on hard righties long ago ago.

  9. The fact that we paid for their nominating conventions I especially find deplorable.

  10. Will: Such waste as this, is, to me, an argument against increasing the tax rates on penny.

    If the government can shovel money like this pure waste, it has plenty already.

  11. In 2012 taxpayers contributed over $36 million to the Democratic and Republican conventions through the Presidential Election Campaign Fund. However, the total cost of the two conventions exceeded $136 million, the balance made up by the government. Of course, it was congress that allocated the extra money. (Source)

    I have no problem with taxpayer voluntarily contributing to the conventions. However, until we have government financed elections, it should not be contributing to either party. Let them pay for their conventions themselves.

  12. It's not going to be good for ratings, Jerry, but I agree 100%.


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