Monday, April 21, 2014

Millions Wise, Millions More Foolish

According to BLM spokesperson, Kirsten Cannon, the federal government has dished out $966,000 (paid to a contractor) to round up this Bundy fellow's cattle. This, in response to the fact that said Bundy supposedly owes them $1,000,000 (and I would really love to see an itemized bill on that one - a million dollars for grass?). Please, tell me that I'm not the only individual who sees an absurdity here.................................................................................P.S. And, no, this doesn't even begin to take into account all of the other expenses (transportation, overtime to the agents, etc.) that this operation is costing us, the taxpayers. I would certainly love to see an itemized bill there as well.


  1. My understanding is that most of the million owed is from fines for nonpayment.

  2. LA county spent $9 million on
    OJ Simpson. Kind of expensive, law and order these days. BTW,
    if you enjoy citizen v guv, a few
    dredge miners (gold dust) here in Idaho will be sucking the river bottom to protest EPA regulations. IMO, the 'River Of No Return' is more valuable to the hundreds of international visitors, rafters and fishermen
    and the thousands they support in the tourist industry, than some
    scruffy hobbyist gold diggers, but there are always two sides to
    the issue.

  3. The cost per AUM for BLM land is
    $1.35. The average cost per AUM on private land is $16.80. Since
    Clive hates his country's gov't,
    he could have used the free market alternative. Of course had he skipped those payments as well, he would owe $12.44 million, probably to Wells Fargo,
    who bought the debt as part of a hedge fund. I'm thinking WF plays different than BLM, and despite
    a well armed mob, would simply
    confiscate the ranch. Private enterprize, you know.

  4. They would have put a lien on his property and left the helicopters and snipers at home.......And O.J. killed 2 people.

  5. A $1.38 per head per anum seems relatively.insignificant. And President Reagan must have thought it reasonable back in what, 1986 when he established it.

    But yeah, helicopters and snipers seem a but dramatic and over the top. Will is right a lien would have sufficed.

    Then their is Harry (it's domestic terrorism) Reid. Perhaps the biggest looney in the room.


  6. Come on....stop it you guy' much did Waco cost? How about Ruby Ridge,what was the price ticket there?

  7. There, their and they're; we have
    an odd language.

  8. I before e except after c except, except, except.


  9. When the government comes out in force and points rifle's at the heads of Americans who exactly are the terrorist?


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