Monday, April 21, 2014

Domestic Imbecile?

Sorry, but I gotta vote, yes, on this one. The very same shlupp who went out of his way to NOT call the Fort Hood shooting, terrorism (and instead referred to it as, "workplace violence"), and who was as quiet as a church-mouse when the Occupy movement was vandalizing Oakland, defecating in Zuccotti Park, and blocking off traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge now suddenly has the balls to get tough on people? Yeah, I don't think so.........................................................................................P.S. And for anybody out there who thinks that I'm being partisan about this, I said the same exact thing about Michele Bachman and Louie Gohmert when those two clowns went after Huma Abedin and referred to her as a terrorist. It's called having a consistent moral yardstick, people.


  1. Reid is a tired old man whose time has arrived. Arrived exactly for what I'm not sure, I just know he has to go. The sooner the better.

  2. And I think that the folks with the helicopters and snipers were a tad more terrorizing than the citizens were.

  3. One of those walking arguments for term limits. A tireless fighter for channeling wealth away from the people and into the hands of those in power. A truly corrupt crony capitalist.

  4. Indeed Will. But they had the stamp Government Approved Terrorism so it was A okay.

    Reid is a looney and I think he may be trying to out do Pelosi.


  5. I live in Clark County Navada....Harry Reid's little twerp son Rory is neck deep in this mess.

    When Harry (the Mormon)went to Washington he was poor as a church,as if by magic his family is worth over 100 million dollars.......Harry Reid is a piece of shit.

  6. I was never a big term-limits guy in the past. I am now and folks like this (and, yes, Mitch, too) are clearly my motivation.

  7. Rusty: Reid, like Pelosi, has abused his position of power and the public trust for massive personal gain. A plutocrat by any stretch... in fact, by no stretch at all.


  8. Its kinda silly that Octo.the FCFB,Jerry,RN,WD doesn't come to support of Harry Reid.

    Must mean they all think Harry is a piece of shit? They all think Harry and his son Rory are crooks. Well its good to know when the left realizes.they have a dead ass crook running their party and are content with it.

    Well done Octo...FCFB....WD....Jerry.....

    1. No Rusty, it does NOT mean I think Harry Reid is a POS. I stated clearly WHAT I think Harry Reid is.

      Further, Reid is not running my party. By choice I do not belong to a political party,

      Are you content with your parties corruption? Never mind, I think we know the answer to that question.

      Now, go fucking ponder that.


  9. Rory Reid is involved neck deep in a deal for Chinese solar panels on the land Bundy was forced off and Rory wanted the land to presereve a turtle and also build a Chinese solar panel farm.This is an example of Dingy Harry Reid at work.


  10. Where is WD,octo.FCFB.Jerry,RN,jmj and the rest raising hell about this? Pretty quite.

    1. Hey Shackelturd, why Don't you run a feature on your blog? It surely. would draw flies. Oh, that's right, your blog isn't active. Makes sense.


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