Monday, March 10, 2014

The Top 26 Women (In No Particular Order) Who I Would Have Most Wanted to Notch in Their Prime (And in Some Instances Beyond)

Kristin Scott Thomas, Elizabeth Montgomery, Isabelle Huppert, Beverly Garland, Eva Marie Saint, Ann Miller (the pre-helmet-hair version obviously), Jean Simmons, Cyd Charisse, Susan Hayward, Faye Dunaway, Linda Fiorentino, Barbara Stanwyck, Jane Fonda, Theresa Wright, Felicity Huffman, Stephanie Powers, Patty Griffin, Annie Potts, Courteney Cox, Patricia Clarkson, Patti Scialfa, Bridget Fonda, Christina Applegate, Carole Lombard, Emmylou Harris, Helena Bonham Carter.


  1. I would addSenta Berger ,
    but hard to decide which of the
    excellent 25 she would replace.

  2. I had forgotten about her but, yeah, you're right, quite beautiful. Some of the others who I considered; Martina McBride, Gene Tierney, Hedy Lamarr, Olivia de Havilland, Joan Fontaine, Vivien Leigh, Naomi Watts, Diane Lane, Julianne Moore, Leah Thompson, and Demi Moore (in her 40s not her 20s).

  3. I just added Helena Bonham Carter (circa the late 90s) to make it 26.

  4. When I think of Leah Thompson, I think of that lousy "Caroline in the City" sitcom. And her starring role in one of the most famous box office bombs ever.

    But she is redeemed with her fine turns in the BTTF films.


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