Monday, March 10, 2014

On the Assertion by Some that We Should Never Criticize the Pentagon Budget

I'll take, "Misplaced Patriotism Up the Poop-Shoot", for a thousand, Alex.


  1. No sacred cows or third rails. That's my view on these budget matters.

  2. I agree with you about not criticizing it. We very much should criticize Obama's slashing of the military budget... a treasonous act that will surely make us vulnerable to the terrorists. I can only pray the next president will be a Republican. BTW, I see that Mr. Hart commented on my blog while it was under the control of a hijacker. Just so everyone knows, I never wrote that I was "confessing" to be a Liberul. Barlowe is still a Conservative, for the record. Hopefully that clears everything up.


  3. Finally....another strong conservative voice....I kind of like this Bayer chap..he seems to be a clear thinker.

    I'd love to hear his opinion of Obama tenure as president and who he feels Obama compares to GWB.

  4. Barlowe is a liar. I did not hijack his account.


  5. I would expect Dervish to slander a conservative like Bayer....WD cant handle any truth from the right and a becon of truth.


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