Saturday, March 1, 2014

On the Idiot and Libertarianism 2

It's kind of like with those old racists down south; those fellows who, even if you were only 1/64 black, would tar you with the N-word sanctimoniously. I am obviously NOT a hard-core anarcho libertarian in that I strongly favor of a progressive income tax, an elimination of the special exemption for capital gains, a negative income tax (AKA, the Earned Income Tax Credit), universal health care replete with mandates, and I even supported an extension of unemployment benefits (with some reform). But I still get tarred as one by a moron who seemingly lives in his own little black and white universe/crawl space. I mean, how damned fucking ironic is that?


  1. Will, painting all libertarians and conservatives as offsring of the capitalist devil, or at the very least advocates of greed and corruption is how SOME (but certainly not all) progressives like the one are speaking of operate.

    It is how they justify in their own small minds their feelings of superiority. In doing this they keep the flame of class warfare alive and will always be fighting economic injustice which they believe the root cause of social injustice.

    Therefore, even the reasonable, rational, compassionate, and willing to compromise libertarian/conservative must be maligned and intentionally misrepresented to serve their cause Which certainly is pure communism for the moron to which you allude and those few like him.

  2. It's his one-way bromance.... the guy created a blog devoted entirely to you, I mean come on. His love, adoration, and worship manifests itself in strange ways, true. He devotes huge amounts of time trying to get into your blog that others would devote trying to get into a rewarding career. Nothing else could explain his one-way obsession which has gone in for years now.

  3. That was pure poetry, Les. Well done and thanks.......I don't know, dmarks, is is possible to be flattered and totally creeped out beyond description at the same time?

  4. RN: Well said. I find contributions of value from libertarians and conservatives and liberals alike. Some of the names you know. I can add BB, Dave Miller, Pamela Hart (blog now dormant), Jersey and even Shaw to the list of intelligent folks I can learn from, and others can too.

    Others like WD (whose advocacy of subjects like F. Boyle inspires research and then revulsion based on the cold hard facts) and Octo (bigotted bombthrower who wins the dead-horse Kentucky Derby hands down) and Rediculous Radneck make their causes look real bad.
    Will said: ".I don't know, dmarks, is is possible to be flattered and totally creeped out beyond description at the same time?"

    Does the idea that he is spending as many hours per week on this as the average Starbucks worker puts in help this idea or make it worse?

  5. Btw..."the moron" now uses the hammer and sickle as the icon of his blog, in the task bar. A symbol of man's inhumanity to man that even outdoes the swastika in its every aspect. Fits in with his worship of Stalin and defense of Mao.

  6. The one you deem " a moron who seemingly lives in his own little black and white universe/crawl space" has demanded that I issue retractions of past statements.

    It did inspire me to make my most recent blog post:

    I will let him read this, and any post on my blog, if he promises (not to apologize or do anything in regard to past disputes... a man like him never admits any wrong), but to conduct himself with decorum, politeness, and civility from this point forward. An offer of a clean slate.


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