Sunday, March 2, 2014

Hottest Media Critic Currently?

Sorry (actually, I'm not at all sorry), Howie Kurtz, David Zurawik, etc. but in this particular category I'm going to have to go with the red-headed fireball, Marisa Guthrie (The New York Daily News and prior to that The Boston Herald). Not only is the gal utterly smoking, she's intelligent and, get this, she's a certified yoga instructor (flexibility, yada yada). A CERTIFIED YOGA INSTRUCTOR! Sign me up.


  1. Was interviewing women scientists for a position back in the day.
    They all had good credentials, but
    one was a drop-dead blond who was
    an aerobics instructor on the side. Needless to say, there was a lot of positive advice like, "Hire her, for God's sake".
    But, ever the nerd, I went for broader based experience and hired
    the lady with glasses (who was a


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