Friday, February 7, 2014

Yes or Frigging No?

O'Reilly asked the President point-blank, "Did Secretary Panetta tell you that night that it was a terrorist attack?", and the President refused to answer the damn question. What does that tell you? It tells me that the fellow didn't want to lie again and so he danced around the sucker (kind of like he did with that biotch from "The View"). Richard Nixon, anybody?


  1. "...the President refused to answer the damn question. What does that tell you?..."

    It tells you he is a typical politician, and that there is no more hope and change with him than there was with Nixon, Bush, Carter, etc.

    Though the telling of such a fact might cause WD to bluster and stamp and send 13 canardograms today when he reads this.

  2. He's under double-digits so far today and for that I am most appreciative.

  3. He did promise to be something different. Though I disagreed with Obama on most major policy issues and didn't vote for him:

    I did hope that he would actually keep his promises of openness, accountability, lack of corruption, and changing the tone in Washington.

    More fool me.

  4. And the above comment I'd be hard pressed to find anyone to disagree with me, other than someone like Jay Carney, who has been paid about a million dollars by Obama to say how great Obama is.

    Or someone like Joe Biden, who might tell us how great Obama is, but be likely to confuse Obama with any number of politicians when saying so.

  5. If we are looking for someone who stands for the people, Obama, like many other progressives with majority disdain from the people, can't be said to be someone who fights for or speaks for the people.

    Since, according to the people themselves, and their own informed decisions, these politicians only speak for a minority of the people. Just a small chunk of the 99%.

  6. It's all politics fellas. Once a politician always a politician. While the colors may be different the stench is still offensive and noxious.

    But for the bootlickers do thrive on itn


  7. Obama is close to completing exactly what he stupidly told Joe the plumber a few years ago....the ACA will be the largest redistribution of wealth in our countries history....when at least two million people (according to Ms.Pelosi) will be able to follow their dreams of being artists or taking their kids to the park....and we will pay them for it. will be WD's utopia.


  8. Did I fall asleep for twenty years and wake up in a country that celebrates people who don't work but chase rainbows and unicorns all day long?

    Jesus Christ on a skateboard....are we really serious,or is this candid camera?

    1. Rusty...the camera isn't candid. Just watch the Obamaphone lady on Youtube. Other than the camera not being candid, I think you got it.

  9. There are so many perverse incentives in this country now that unless you're a corporate CEO or something you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.


  10. It is indeed a sad commentary on the American spirit when the left seeks to glorify the takers and demonize the makers.


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