Saturday, February 8, 2014

Questions for the Benghazi Witnesses and Survivors

a) Was there a spontaneous eruption from a protest? b) WAS there a protest? c) Did the assailants seem to have intimate knowledge of the facility? d) Was there a terrorist splinter cell taking "credit" for the attack while it was happening? And e) what type of weaponry was being used by the assailants (in other words, was it the type of weaponry that a person would just happen to have on them or was it much more sophisticated than that?)?...There, that's it. Nothing about national security and the only purpose being to determine whether the President of the United States lied to the American public prior to an election. Too much to ask?.....................................................................................P.S. And I would also want to get Leon Panetta under oath. The dude is an honest man and he would never (at least in my estimation) lie to cover for anybody, even the President.


  1. Leon was one of the only adults in the room then.


  2. If the Benghazi attack had happened a month after the election we would have heard a different story.

  3. I consider him a high integrity guy. Kind of like Lee Hamilton was back in his era.

  4. Will said: "I suspect, Russ"

    ObamaCo has given us no reason to suspect anything but the worst here.


  5. Remember the "Hope and Change" bullshit....this guy is just another low life Chicago politician.....nothing more..nothing less...

    Oh wait......he is our first black president....don't dare say anything could put him,Hillary,Cruz,Paul,Reid,Pelosi,Rubio,Christie and Wendy Davis in a bag and shake it up.....still get the same thing...

  6. It's been a long, long time since I've admired any politician, that's for sure.


  7. are shit out of luck on your Benghazi seems WD has consulted the Huffington Post and debunked everything.

    Devish Snaders has discovered that George Bush,Karl Rove,Ronald Reagan,Lee Atwater,Donald Rumsfeld and Satan were all at the compound in Benghazi and they were throwing eggs at people as they walked by along with the occasional water balloon.

    Well,Dervish,along with the Huff Post has deduced this egg and balloon tossing....along with some name calling caused the population of Benghazi to get pissed off and go home to get their AK-47's and mortars and start blasting away. I mean...its a simple deduction....

  8. I knew that there had to be a way to blame Bush for this. Thank the Lord for the Huffington Post and wd.

  9. Derv (the Swerve) Sanders is certainly a remarkable piece of work. Fortunately they broke the mold.

  10. Rusty said: "Devish Snaders has discovered that George Bush,Karl Rove,Ronald Reagan,Lee Atwater,Donald Rumsfeld and Satan were all at the compound in Benghazi and they were throwing eggs at people as they walked by along with the occasional water balloon."

    You forget the most profound discover by the aforementioned Drivel Slander: that Ann Coulter herself was in this crowed, handing out Wendy's "Baconator" sandwiches to the crowd. This, THIS is what caused the frenzy.

    RN: You truly amaze me sometime. You show true audacity, sir, to put the Swerve in the same sentence with the word "work". Quite a stretch there...


  11. dmarks....its time to change our opinion of the current trend our country is heading the "takers" like WD will be the ruling class.....we "makers" will be the worker bee's there only to keep the public teat full for Sanders to suck on.

  12. Rusty: And in keeping with this power shift, the oval office in the White House will be replaced with the crawlspace as the seat of executive power.

  13. And Rusty, you had to say "...for Sanders to suck on..."

    My blog spam filter was full of crap like that, especially over the Christmas holiday. You had to remind me... :(

  14. Teatle dee Teatle dum, my teat is sweet, come get some! ... Derve (the Swerve) Sanders


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